School values


         Values are necessary in school life. They help in having order and peace at school. So, all schools should be guided by some essential values so that we could have a positive and warm atmosphere which would help students to learn in the best possible ways, not only the lessons, but also the social skills and the human values that they will certainly need in their future life.

       The first value we should have at school is respect. Students ought to  respect all their teachers regardless of their different personalities and characters. Otherwise, how could they learn from a teacher whom they don't respect? Students should also respect each other inside and outside the classroom. Not only this, but teachers ,too, should respect their students and deal with them as grown ups who have their own developed personalities and their own views and attitudes.

       Another value which is crucial in school life is responsibility. On the one hand, teachers ought to feel responsible for the learning of their students. Thus, they should constantly think about improving their way of teaching in order to meet their students' different needs and learning styles. Students, on their side, have to feel responsible for their school work. This requires seriousness in the classroom, permanent attendance of all the lessons, except in emergency circumstances, doing all the assigned homework, all the class exercises,  and participating in the activities  organised in the classroom. 

          Hard work is also crucial at school. Both students and teachers should be hardworking. It's obvious that students can't achieve good learning without working hard at school and at home as well. It's not enough to have a smart mind to learn in an effective way. You may be the smartest student in your school and       - yet-  get the worst marks, fail at the final exam, and get very little learning  and knowledge. All that can be the result of your laziness and unwillingness to work and make efforts, or your wasting of your time in leisure activities such as watching too many movies, listening to much music, going out with friends too frequently...etc. That way, you may not find enough time and motivation to revise your lessons, do your homework, and  make some research.                                   In the same way, teachers can't achieve good and effective teaching unless they make real efforts. Good and successful teachers are not the ones who merely cheer up  their students, or give them undeserved high marks,or  let them cheat at tests and exams, or waste class time gossiping and chatting. Good and honest teachers are the ones who give enough time for the preparation of their lessons, conduct their classroom activities whole-heartedly, seriously, and _ at the same time_  open-mindedly and as cheerfully as possible. Hard-working teachers also pay attention to their students' mistakes and correct them, giving necessary explanations. In addition, they answer any student's question as clearly as they can. Serious teachers also correct their students' papers honestly and carefully.

          These are just some of the values that are essential in school life. There are so many other values that everybody studying or working in a school should abide by. For instance we need to have  honesty, patience, cooperation, and   tolerance. If everybody at school believe in these values and try to respect them, we'll have a better education, and our schools will be warmer, more comfortable, more enjoyable, and more effective.


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